Thursday, November 27, 2008

Survived first day of work....

Finally, back to blog with all the bloggers here...

Today's my first day of work at Hush Puppy in One Utama, PJ. (I believe many should know where it is)....

Arrived at working place at 11:40am, introduced by supervisor Mr. Cheang to the permanent staff and some small little working stuff....Officially log-in at 12pm and start work !!!!

Saw many customers walking around the shop, where the customers are given 2 terms...(If you wanna know the term, Ask me personally) Walked around the shop, helped customers to look for shirt sizes, folding clothes, etc...(I didn't know that there are so many ways to fold a clothes, I thought there was only 1 XD)

Supervisor brought me around the "Budget" place for break time...For so long I didn't know that there's a Mamak Corner at the LG floor and many other restaurant...and for your info, there's even a Scuba Diving shop providing lessons =)

Had my break at the Mamak Corner today, 5pm and coincidently it's raining heavily...After my meal, had to run in the building straight away...LOLS...reached the shop at 5:45...supervisor asked me...

"Why come back so early? Never go jalan-jalan around?"

"Raining heavy..."

"=_=" "

Continued my job....walking around the shop, entertaining customers, chatting with staff(that was not supposed to happen), many things more...

Witnessed many situations such as a Kiosk stall outside, a small little girl was trying to buy her Pokemon Toy....haha...took her 30 minutes just to choose 1 design...was really funny afterall...

After working from 12pm....finally my working hour 9pm....=D

Btw, for those who are very free during the hols(especially girls), if you want a job, the shop is hiring people, Hush Puppy !!! Chinese girl preferred, contact me for more info =D

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