Sunday, November 30, 2008

4th day of work

I survived the 4th day of work....

Today's really tough, hell men....seriously those customers...couldn't think of a word to describe them....

Some of the customers were rude, they just simply open up the shirt from the new package and then just scatter them around the other section, and ended up i need to do the packing again...

Some of them were demanding, asking for this and that...If they buy, i don't mind...the problem is, they just smile at u and change their mind...LOL

Some of them were nice, chatting with me...get to know their true personality...

WELL, for couldn't have imagined...

Talking = Scolding....

Haha...guess i met many kinds of people today, really wide variety...

Met a cute and pretty girl, wanted to talk to her as we came so close...that time i was talking to an auntie instead, if not...maybe i could have gotten her number XD

That's all folks

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